Internal Control resources provide professional insight into many control issues.

Internal Control Institute™ Products and Services

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Products and Services that have a price listed can be ordered directly on-line or by contacting ICI. Some products are customized. Pricing for these items will be provided after contacting ICI and discussing your specific requirements.

On-line Internal Control Training

[Information and Registration on-line]

[Course Catalog]

An intensive, on-line Internet training program is available through St. Petersburg College. This is entitled the “Certification Series.” This is a catalog of eight courses covering different areas of the CICS Common Body of Knowledge.  These courses on "Internal Control" define the necessary ingredients and provide "how-to information" for an organization.  Courses may also be taken as individual programs. To register please contact the following:

Internal Control Design Process

[Contact ICI for Pricing]

This program is a complete step-by-step internal control design program including templates for controlling a business application. It is designed to help install and monitor the controls needed to effectively control a business application.

ICI Encyclopedia of Internal Controls – Control Descriptions

Price: $100. USD

This resource document was devised at the Internal Control Institute™ to provide a single reference source of internal control activities and processes that an organization may consider. This encyclopedia is invaluable when auditing activities recognize shortfalls in certain areas and additional controls are needed. This is provided in CD format.

free download with annual membership subscription.

Internal Control Common Body of Knowledge

Price: $175. USD


The Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK) for the CICS is, in effect, a job description for a world-class internal control specialist. The CICS Certification Board has defined the skills within the CBOK as those skills that would enable internal control specialists or professionals to perform the tasks needed to meet today’s internal control challenges. This is an excellent study manual provided in electronic format.

ICI CICS/CICP Certification Program

[See Certification Page for details]

[Course Catalog]

Internal Control
"How-to Series"

[Contact for details]

This is a certification offered by the Internal Control Institute™. It is a personal, professional certification of competence that is granted to individuals who meet the requirements of the certification program. Individuals must demonstrate an understanding and comprehension of the CICS Common Body of Knowledge. This competency prepares the internal control specialist to assist organizations to design and/or assess internal control and to assist management in installing internal control processes.


This series has a number of individual Internal Control tools, techniques, assessments, etc. that can be inexpensively purchased.

Quantitative Rating Based on the Use
of the
COSO Model:


Price: $995. USD

The rating of internal control has been viewed as more subjective than objective. This ICI Rating System provides a quantitative rating of your organization’s internal control system based on the COSO Internal Control Framework model and the Malcolm Baldrige scoring system. In addition, the rating identifies why the rating has or has not met the COSO control framework standards. This is provided in a workbook format for effective implementation.

Quantitative Assessment to Evaluate Company’s Current Internal Control & Corporate Governance Practices against World-Class Guidelines:

Price: $495. USD

This assessment is designed to measure with a quantitative score the level of confidence the board of directors and management can place upon the ability of the following functions to effectively perform their responsibilities compared to world-class internal control guidelines.  This includes: executive management, internal auditors, independent auditors, board of directors, and the audit committee.  This is not an audit but rather a tool to assist in the evaluation.

Executive Course on Internal Control

[Contact ICI for Pricing]

The primary objective of this course is to assist decision makers to improve their organization’s internal control.  It covers strategic, tactical, and staff competency approaches.  Baseline information is developed through a brief self-assessment of your activity / organization using Sarbanes-Oxley and COSO guidelines.  This will be completed during the session.  With this information, a strategic and tactical “Roadmap” can be devised for realistic improvement.  This is a one-day in-house private training session for executive management.

Internal Control Assessor Training

[Contact ICI for Pricing]

This program is designed to provide a company with the opportunity to qualify Internal Control Assessors enabling that organization to assist other operations to assess, rate and improve internal control systems. This rating system is based upon the COSO and Malcolm Baldrige models. It is a three-day private, in-house training program to prepare internal control professionals to become lead assessors for assessing and improving internal control systems.

Protecting Your Company Against Civil & Criminal
Liability - a Practical Handbook for CEOs, CFOs, Controllers

 and Board Members
"A Study of Internal Controls & Sarbanes Oxley"  

an eBook by
JT Grenough,
Copyright 2009,  294 pages

Price: $24.95 USD

The last decade has witnessed such an increase in white collar crimes.  It has  been reflected in dozens of cases involving bribery, conflicts of interest,mail, wire and securities fraud, etc. It is the purpose of this book to raise the awareness level among educators, practitioners, senior management and their auditors, and  researchers of the need for adequate and continued laws and controls on a global basis in order to protect the capital markets and ensure and restore integrity and an ethical standard through the rule of law to world markets.

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